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Getting "detected"
  • Hi, yesterday I got banned which was a huge shock to me. I'm sure you get this response quite often but here we go anyway xD. So, I was at spawn on ulti and just started clicking and about to jump into the arena. Shortly before I jumped I lagged and I continued to click to check if the server was restarting. After the lag stopped I continued playing for about 5 seconds and then I was bannned :(. I know a lot of people have been complainnig about false bans but I'm being honest. ( please bare in mind that everyone was frozen for a few seconds but I was moving and still clicking)
    So, to sum it all up: 1. If I get unbanned, I'll be the happiest player on DC
    2. If I don't get accepted then I'll have to buy an unban :( -.-

    Anyway I hope you understand my point.
    Thanks, Joosterized :D